Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Measuring beforehand might help . . . Again!

Yes, my standard practice of using mental estimation only instead of actually bothering to measure something the correct way has failed me again.  Two months ago I bought the flooring tiles for the new floor in Frostbite.  I bought it at the same time we bought the materials to redo the curtains and matress covers.  It matched perfectly.  I bought three boxes.

It wasn't until this weekend when I was actually ready to start putting down the floor that I happened to count the tiles.  There were 12 in a box and I had 3 boxes for a total of 36 tiles.  I laid them out on the floor to get an idea of the coverage and ,at that point I stupidly realized, that I didn't have enough.  I had not only underestimated the number I needed but I underestimated by over half. 

Here are 12 tiles laid out on the floor:

Two boxes of tiles won't even cover half of the floor.  I immediately though, hey, that's ok, I can just cover the visible floor initially and leave the floor covered by the boxes until I get new tiles.  That way if I can't get the same pattern, it won't be a major flaw.

This seemed like a good idea until I realized that I couldn't even get 36 tiles to cover the exposed part of the floor once the boxes were in.  It was close, only 2 tiles short, but enough to spoil the idea.

I'm going to drop by Big Lots on the way home from work today and *hope* they still carry the same pattern so I can get 3 more boxes.  Cross your fingers.

Man, nothing is simple!


  1. If your local Big Lots doesn't have it, we'll check here in Memphis. I think that's where you bought them originally.

    A tape measure might be a good addition to your tool kit. :)

  2. Oh, I have a tape measure.

    I just need to actually use it more often.
