Friday, April 30, 2010

New Floor Install Part 2

I laid out another box of tiles this week.  This is going slower than I originally thought because my efforts to plug all the holes with wood filler prior to laying down the floor have come up short.  I'll lay down a few tiles making sure to sand and clean a tile-sized section of floor before doing so and then discover a hole or indention that I didn't notice before. 

I then fill the hole with wood filler and have to let it dry before laying down the tile.  I am reluctant to tile around it since I might get the spacing off by doing that so I just stop for the day and then pick up the next day when the wood filler has dried.

I also discovered that the fancy new clippers I bought to trim the tiles to fit in non-square areas actually cracks the tile when I use them.  I'll have to try my razor blade utility knife and see if that works any better.

Here is the floor so far:

Slowly but surely, it's coming along nicely.

I did pick up some white plastic edging which I can use on the boxes when I start putting them back together.  However, they will not work for the floor/wall edging.  I'm thinking about putting all the boxes back in first and then use real house edging for the visible edges underneath the bunkends.  This will be sort of challenging since the end walls are angled.  Hopefully, the hardware store sells moulding for that circumstance.  I'll have to check with my go-to girls at the Tool Box.

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