Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Big One

I managed to pull off the "Big One" this weekend; painting the outside of Frostbite.  I started by getting out my trusty wire brush drill attachment and scraped off all of the decals and lettering.  The "brown" and "tan" color scheme wouldn't fit with the new look I have in mind and, besides, it's not like I have some obligation or allegience to the StarCraft Camper company anyway.

Once this was done I then started taping up all the parts that I didn't want painted.  This took much longer than expected.  It was Sunday before I even started painting.  She look pretty rough before hand.  Here are some "before" shots I took just before I started painting:

I put on 2 coats and even managed to save some paint for touch ups which I will probably find a need for.  I thought it turned out pretty well.  You are going to have to wait until tomorrow before I post the "after" shots, though.  I needed this afternoon/evening to remove all the tape and install the new roof vent.  I want Frostbite to look her best for the first "after" photos.

I hope to paint the frame itself black alter this week.  *Nearly* all of the inside box parts have at least 2 coats on them.  Most have four.  I will start putting the boxes back together soon.  I have some clear coat that I intended to paint onto the counter tops.  I might wait until they are all installed before I do that.  I can't think of any reason why not and, frankly, I'm tired of painting.

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