Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reinstalling the easy boxes

Now it's time for the fun stuff.  Putting the newly painted and rebuilt boxes back in Frostbite makes for a great feeling of accomplishment since it is starting to look like a camper again.

For the first box, which is by itself to the right of the door, I had to rebuild the top due to water damage.  This was the top that I detailed in the post, "Rebuilding the first box." 

It's funny, the thing seems sorta flimsy by itself but, when I put it in and screwed it to the floor and the back wall, it is solid as a rock and can easily hold the weight of someone sitting on it.  Here is another angle:

I plan to put a final coat of paint and some clear coat on the counter tops once everything is installed.  It probably would have been best to completly finish the painting and everything prior to installing the boxes but, to be honest, I was getting bored with painting and sweating in the hot sun and would prefer to work in the air conditioning.

So there!

Here is box #2.  I rebuilt the counter top on this one as well.

The open left end will be connected to the middle galley box.

A shot of the two of them together.

Now for the big one, the long bench and storage area:

Yes, it needs another coat of paint.  I'll get to that.

There is a hindged door that allows access to a storage area inside the box.  When I put it all together, I couldn't get ahold of the door to open it.  I'm sure there was some type of handle originally attached but I couldn't find anything in my box of parts.  I did find a new cabinet handle I had purchased for some other project I never got to so I installed that and it works fine.

Just for fun (and a place to sit) I went ahead and put the new covers on the cushions for that bench.  This took a bit of work as there were several times that I was convienced that my seamstress had made them too small for the foam inserts.

I kept goofing with it and eventually they got in properly.  It was a perfect fit!

Just for laughs, I went ahead and hooked on my new rebuilt table.

Now it's really starting to come together.  There are five boxes total in Frostbite and 3 of those are already installed.  I still need to put on the cabinet doors and hardware but that should be easy.

The final 2 boxes are the galley and the electrical storage underneath the galley bench opposite the table.  These are the 2 boxes that needed the most rebuilding and will be the most difficult as it will require hooking up the water/gas/electric.  I've already rebuilt some of the box parts which I'll detail in the next post.

Currently I plan to have the inside boxes installed by the end of the upcoming weekend.  Bluebell is still spending the nights outside until I can empty the garage of Frostbite parts.

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