Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Installing the fridge - It was harder than it looked

After trying to get the lower galley box installed in Frostbite, I realized after much frustration that I need to install the fridge first and build the box around it. 

The previous owner did a homemade job on the fridge.  I'm not sure what was in that spot originally.  I suspect it was what they call an "ice box" for pop-ups which is really just a fancy name for a built-in cooler.  Using "ice box" instead of "cooler" gives the impression that it is different and better than a cooler.

It's not.

Anyway, the previous owner had an array of 2x4s attached to the floor in a strange pattern that served as a sort of riser for the fridge to sit on.  Except for one, I found uses for all of those boards in other places around Frostbite.  Unwilling to re-requisition the boards, I figured I would build a riser from all the scrap flooring wood that was now starting to fill my garage.

I came up with this:

I took two pieces of flooring and a sheet of bead board and screwed them all together.  It came up to the exact same height as the 2x4 next to it.

a shot from the side

Feeling pretty good about this I (without measuring anything beforehand) attached them to the floor using L-brackets where the fridge was to be placed.

Easy enough.  When I actually attempted to sit the fridge on the new risers, I broke off the top thin piece of dowel that I had rebuilt already twice now.  Remember the whole frame fell off my work area and broke and I had to rebuild it using L-brackets?  Well this is the new rebuilt one that now has to be redone a third time.

As if to rub it in, I also noticed that the risers I attached to the floor were too close together and the feet of the fridge could not sit square on both at the same time.

*sigh* I'll have to redo the risers as well.  I grimly started to realize that I was actually moving backwards.  My work session resulted in me tearing up more things than I built.

Determined to make at least *some* progress, I did get the risers in the right place eventually (nope still didn't bother to actually measure first).

This time the feet of the fridge sat squarely on the risers.  No question about that.

. . . but it still wobbled when you pressed on a corner.

It was only then that I noticed that the fridge was missing a "foot" for lack of a better term.  It had a screw for a leg like all the others but not the round flat foot.  Now my perfectly level risers did not serve to make the fridge level.  I scrounged around a found a scrap piece of beadboard to attach to the top of the 2x4.

Finally, I could check the fridge off as "installed."

I went ahead and painted the front of the risers white and attached the rest of the lower galley box to the floor.

This ten minute job actually took over 2 hours

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