Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rebuilding the complicated boxes #2

More panel rebuilds today.  Here is the original galley box:



The face and one of the inner panels need to be rebuilt due to water damage to the wood paneling.  Here is the original face removed:



And here is my rebuild:



You might notice something strange about this.  First, I didn't have any dowels longs enough for the length of this frame so I built it in two pieces and put them together with a bracket.  I think, since this thing will be attached to the floor and attached to a single countertop piece, it will be plenty strong enough.  The paneling is not yet attached, however, last night I cut it out in two pieces but it got dark before I could attach it to the frame and sand it down to fit perfectly.  The larger square is where the refridgerator will go and the other opening is just for storage.  It will have a cabinet door and a shelf inside but the door is there mainly to cover the bottom of the sink and the water hose.

Also, I've run out of long dowel pieces so I had to scavange the good pieces off the original frame and use them here.  That is why the dowels are colored slightly different.

Here is the original galley panel that needs a rebuild:



cutting out the pieces

The finished panel

You might notice the the hole is much larger in the old panel than in the new one.  This is because I only have one drill attachment capable of making a hole.  I did this one just to see if it will be large enough.  It probably won't.  Anything larger will have to be a square.

The size difference between the holes

So far I have rebuilt all the pieces that I need to complete the inside boxes for the camper.  This afternoon, I should be able to put this galley box back together and install it in Frostbite.  The end storage bunk will follow that. 

I was able to find a door knob/latch that I *think* will work in Frostbite.  It's under $10 but I'll have to order it from the internet.

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