Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Assessing the Damage - The roof

aah, the roof.  We had a steady 24hr rain all day Sunday and Sunday night.  I opened Frostbite up yesterday (Monday, it's a holiday for me) and discovered that there is a leak.  There was a small puddle in the center of the floor and some water on the inside end of the bed.  The perplexed me for a moment (actually several hours) until I realized that the bed was pushed in when the camper is packed up.  The end of the bed that was wet was directly over the the puddle on the floor. 

I realize that there may well be a leak over the bed.  I haven't done a full rain test with the camper popped up but at least it appeared that there was a single leak that was located pretty much dead center of the roof.  Here is a shot of the roof"

left side

right side

It may be hard to notice from the photos but the roof appears to have either suffered through a massive hail storm or someone was up there swatting flies with a hammer.  There are many many round dents most of which are large enough to hold a thimble full of water.  The fiberglass doesn't appear to be cracked in these holes, just dented in.  There is one hole, however, that is particularly bad:

This can't be good.

For this hole, the fiberglass is definately cracked.  You can see what looks like plastic insulation inside it.  In case you are wondering, yes, it was holding water.  Unfortunately, this is not the only suspect for the origin of the water leak.  The vent cover has some problems too:

As you can see it has been repaired before with clear tape.  There is a 4-5 inch crack in the center which is only half way covered by the tape.  Tape also covers the edges surrounding the vent. where it comes in contact with the roof.  Other than leaking water, the inside crank raises and lowers the vent hood perfectly.  I wonder if these things are standard size and can easily be replaced.

Probably not.

After taking a closer look at the roof, I started to wonder why so *little* water actually wound up inside the camper after a 24 hour rain and decided to consider this a good thing.

For the actual fix to this I am gambling everything on the hope that I can purchase some type of goo that I can spread, paint, squirt from a tube or otherwise apply with some gizmo to the entire roof that will fill in all the holes and cracks, dry to a waterproof state, and be receptive to paint.  I assume that this magic goo exists and will move this one closer to the top of my list of things to do immediately.

For some silly reason it was during the drive in to work this morning that I realized that I should buy a tarp to put over the roof until I get the magic goo.  I heard on the radio that it is supposed to rain tomorrow with a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow evening.  I had the entire day yesterday to get out and buy a tarp but I didn't.

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