Friday, March 5, 2010

Finally, a Nice Weekend

Can Spring be around the corner?  This weekend promises to be wonderful.  Sunny and mid to high 60's for both Saturday and Sunday.  I plan to work a good bit on Frostbite and have a list of what I hope to accomplish:

* finish wiring all lights on Frostbit

* crawl underneath and attach new light wires to the underside

* repaint the inside back wall

* touch up floor patch with wood filler and sand smooth when dry

* caulk the roof and corners around the lift poles

* try to remove the "safety hook" that I stupidly bent a few weeks ago

* fill in all old screw holes in the floor with wood filler

* repaint the ceiling.  This one is questionable as I'm not sure I have enough paint.

* assuming everything above goes well, I might even start to lay down the new floor

Money is tight this weekend so I'm not going to make any supply runs which rules out installing new insulation in the back wall and installing new paneling.  Once I do make a supply run for paneling, insulation, and wood dowels, I will be able to start rebuilding the inside boxes.

Ideally, I would like to purchase the AC and a small microwave before I start rebuilding the boxes so I can incorporate room for these permanent applicances in the boxes.  Money, however, might not be flowing freely enough to do this.  I can measure the microwave I plan to get and work that way, I suppose. 

I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Another job I'll need to tackle is to use a wire brush on the trailer frame and the axel and get the rust off.  I'll see if I'm motivated to start this weekend or not.  I don't have the anti-rust paint yet, though, but I have already purchased the wire brushes. 

I have decided that I will paint the frame black instead of the bright blue I initially thought.  I think it will look much better overall.

I'm hoping the pictures I start posting here of my progress will start showing Frostbite in better shape each time.  There is really nothing left to tear apart anyway.  Soon, I'll have to start putting it all back together.

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