Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Damn you, Starcraft!

Well, my new door latch arrived yesterday.  It looks pretty nifty.  As I feared, it will not fit exactly into the holes that the current door latch uses.  This means that I'll have to drill new holes in the door and install this latch literally from scratch.  I'll also have to find some type of thin metal or something to cover up the current installation holes from the current broken latch.  Which brings up a question for me about this whole silly process:

Why, oh why, did they build a completely custom RV latch that uses a design that has never been used on doors in the entire history of doors?

I just don't get it.  This camper is not THAT old!  You can get "standard" RV door latches for campers made in the 40's and 50's.  Not Starcraft campers.  1983 must have been a special year for them.  Older starcrafts don't use this latch.  Newer starcrafts don't use this latch.  The @#$%ing factory they used burned down 10 years ago so finding and buying spare parts for this thing is almost impossible.  What were they thinking?  Let's take the wayback machine back to 1982 when my camper was being designed and built at the Startcraft headquarters:

Junior Starcraft Exec:  Hey boss!  It's time for us to decide about the latches on the new 83 Starcraft popup.

Senior Starcraft Exec:  Great!  Let's come up with something groundbreaking new that no other camper will have.

Junior Starcraft Exec:  Umm, it's just a latch.  Wouldn't something simple be easier?

Senior Starcraft Exec: Easier?!?  Screw that, we need something that is distinctly Starcraft.  It keeps the competition of their toes.

Junior Starcraft Exec: But, that means that the customer can only get replacement parts from us

Senior Starcraft Exec: That's the idea.  There is a whole revenue stream there.  We don't want to miss out on that extra money.  Plus, we want people to buy NEW campers.  Who cares about the old ones?  Personally, I wish we could make them self-destruct after 10 years.

Junior Starcraft Exec: So, this will be the new official Starcraft door latch that we'll use from now on

Senior Starcraft Exec: No, just this year.  We'll come up with something extra special next year.

Junior Starcraft Exec: Doesn't that overcomplicate things unnecessarily?

Senior Starcraft Exec: No, we call that keeping things fresh, new, and exciting.

Junior Starcraft Exec: I see.  What about the color?  It's 1982, techno music is being invented.  The kids are starting to wear bright neon colors everywhere.  Shouldn't we offer some more colors for our 83 camper line.

Senior Starcraft Exec: Hell no, campers love our patented crap-brown and puke-orange color scheme.  This bright and attractive color thing is just a fad.

Junior Starcraft Exec: OK, what about the curtains?  The sew-in tabs for curtains have been pretty standard for over 30 years.  What if we do something fresh and exciting there by turning them sideways instead of vertical like every other camper made?  Next year we'll do something different.  That way anyone silly enough to still be trying to use the camper thirty years from now will never find replacement tabs and they will be forced to buy a new Starcraft camper, haha.

Senior Starcraft Exec: You're going to go far here, kid.

Stupid Starcraft!

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