Monday, July 26, 2010

Welcome to Camp Holder!

With Frostbite all checked out and working fine, I started loading her with with stuff we would need for the evening.  The fridge was working well; nice and cool.  I put in some water and the summer sausage for the jambalaya.  I lugged out a couple of laptops and got them plugged in.  One of them will be showing the movie.

I cooked the jambalaya on the stovetop along with a can of spinach.  Everything was wonderful.  My wife came out to eat with us.

This evening also gave me a chance to check out the curtains and how well they can be seen through at night.  Fortunately, you can't see through them.  Nice and private.

After dinner, I got a movie going on the laptop.  At some point during this process, my daughter moved into a bunkend and went to sleep.

It's a little hard to see her since the light there was not so good.

My daughter's friend and I pressed on and watched the 2nd Twilight movie.  He had to catch me up one who folks were and such throughout the movie but didn't seem to mind.

This is a rotten shot but it's the only one I took.

Another blurry shot of the stove in action.  Man, not much cabinet space in these things!

I know it's hard to see but that bottle in the above 2 pics is olive oil, not booze.  We finished the movie and got the lights off around 12:15pm.  I pushed my daughter over and laid out my sleeping bag on the bunkend.  Her friend was on the other side.  The temp on the AC read 72 degrees.  I tried to take a picture but it came out too blurry to read.  As you can see, I stink at taking photos in low light because you have to hold the camera still longer.

All in all a great success!

Lessons learned:

  • get sheets and light blankets for summer camping.  Even with the AC, I thought that the sleeping bag was too much.  We'll wait until cooler weather in the fall to break those out again.

  • get a mat of some type to put under the AC unit.  The AC left dirt and black marks on the counter top where it sat.

  • attach a power strip near the table to plug in laptops easier

  • turn down the temp in the fridge.  The next morning, the water bottles I put in the fridge door the night before were completely frozen.

  • I made a nice list of supplies that need to be stored in Frostbite all the time like trash bags, paper towels, etc

  • remember to remove the stupid sink drain so that we can brush teeth, wash dishes, etc.

  • get DVD software reinstalled on my laptop.  I installed a new OS and lost the player I had.  We had to use my daughter's laptop to watch the movie.

  • keep dishrags in the galley to wipe things down when cooking.

  • get a set of plastic containers to store leftovers in the fridge and keep them in Frostbite all the time

  • get a mat of some type for the entry way into Frostbite.  Even just in the driveway, things kept being tracked in.

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