Friday, July 23, 2010

A Wasted Evening

Man it was hot yesterday!  The temp gauge in my car reported 101 degrees.  When I got in from work and changed into my Frostbite work clothes, I headed outside with great intentions.  I turned on the air and then went into the garage to fetch the paint, brushes, and paint bucket.  I spent several minutes searching for the stupid tool that strips wires, couldn't find it, got frustrated, and gave up.  When I returned to the camper, the air was off.

It had popped the circuit breaker.  No big deal, for the past couple of weeks to keep the breaker from popping I have been running an extension cord from inside the house to power the freezer I keep in the garage.  I originally thought that my wife had ditched the cord and plugged it back up in the garage.  She hates the extension cord running through the kitchen.

She didn't, though.

I thought, what the heck?, and unplugged the freezer.  It could sit for a couple of hours unpowered.  I tried the AC in Frostbite again and the breaker popped as soon as the condensor turned on.

I ran another extension cord to our deck to try another outlet.

No luck.

I realized that my taking so long to fix up Frostbite had taken me deep into the hot hot summer and I probably won't be able to run the camper AC in the afternoons anymore which is perfect timing as I have spent the last two weeks working outside painting and sweating in the hot sun desperately waiting for the time when I could work inside Frostbite with the AC. 

That figures!

I decided to wait until the sun started going down and things cooled off a bit.  About an hour later, my neighbor came home.  I showed him Frostbite, and we talked for over an hour in the driveway.

I tried the Frostbite AC again and now it was able to stay on without popping the breaker.  However, it was now 7:30pm.  To be honest, I didn't feel like starting work that late.  The sun goes down about 8:30.  Remember I don't have any lights yet in Frostbite.

I decided to try again tomorrow.

I went in the now much cooler Frostbite to turn off the air and it wasn't running.  I went to flip the breaker again but that wasn't it.  Curious, I went back to Frostbite and noticed a flashing red light on the AC.  The water tank was full.  The AC shuts off automatically when the water tank gets full.

When I install the air vent for the AC, I'll also need to install a drainage hose for the water so I won't have to empty the tank over and over.  It is supposed to have "evaporative technology" or some such nonsense but mentioned that it *might* not work as well in very humid environments.

That figures too.

I opted to push this chore off till tomorrow as well.

Today, I have a new method of attack.  I will start with scraping the rust from the frame and, if that goes smoothly, start touching up the paint job using my new rotary tool.  I will test the electric and see if I can get some lights on and, once the evening has cooled things off, run the AC inside and do some painting.

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