Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Updated the Expenses List. Yikes!

Finally got around to entering all the receipts from the last few months into the expenses total.  Man, over 24 hunderd so far.  I was quietly hoping that Frostbite would come in under 2 grand but I think we're still in pretty good shape. 

I suppose I would have to determine what type and how good of a camper I could get used for the same money.  Based solely on my luck in such matters, I am far better off with the route I've taken with Frostbite. 

When she is done, and that time is quickly approaching, I will have personally taken her apart and put her back together.  I'll be able to repair anything to happens to her.  I can get to any part of her simply with a screwdriver.  Remember, I had to physically rip her apart the first time because many things were stapled together.  It really wasn't meant to be taken apart like I've done.  Now that I have done it, however, it can be taken apart as needed without having to destroy things.

I think I'll still be happy with under $2500.  I don't forsee any more expenses as I have already obtained all the supplies needed to finish her.  I think she would compare well with ANY other 30 year old camper out there. Heck, I'd be willing to compare her with the brand new ones since it seems they are slapping these things together more and more sloppy each year.

A new chapter is about to begin in the life of Frostbite as she is wrapping up the renovation phase and soon to embark on the camping phase. 

She looks pretty good.  She will be perfectly functional. 

Best of all, she is 100% paid for.

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